Bye Year 2018 | Hi Year 2019
I guess it's now a best month to do a recap of this year. Basically I will summarize my major events I have this year in a really personal way. And let us get started ! Ready ? Go !!! January : I was jobless this month. I felt lost in direction of my life pathway again. I wanted to give my heart a rest. And I wasn't really enjoy the present moment mostly. February : Celebrated 23th birthday during Chinese New Year for no idea how many times my date of birthday falls on this season XD Went to Genting Highland with someone special and now it's part of my past already. Tried my best to control the emotionally wrong me :( March : Managed to got back to work force as a kindergarten teacher by end of the month. Still stressed over work... April : Happy that my effort was payed back on how I tutored my class's toddlers. Went to watched a LIVE badminton tournament accidentally that happened as it's my 1st time experience of my whole...