
Showing posts from September, 2018


While I was typing this blog post,I'm actually listening to Avicii's Level. Today we gonna talk something related to HAPPINESS. WHAT is HAPPINESS ? It can be something you get to be done on time,you feel satisfyingly without burden.It can be you home cooked a hearty meal for yourself. Listening to good music you really like may call it a source of happiness ! Well,talking about music we all have own personal taste about the genre we prefer the most. For me, I would always go for EDM music and indie pop music. But let me do some music sharing about a song released not longer ago. The song named "Happier",was a collab song between Marshmello and Bastille. I've been thinking a lot about happiness. What's happiness ? There are so much way to define happiness ! Happiness can be you get your cravings on food fixed. You feel happy whenever none of your family member involving in a dangerous situation. You be grateful of what God give you in your own li

Recent Updates of my lifeee

I'm being good for months till the time I realised SLEEPLESS nights came back lately. Things weren't as simple as you think of sometimes. We often make it more complicated than it actually is. So I was wondering what's the reason behind of my insomnia mood. Well,I have cut the caffeine intake into one cup a day. To be honest, deep inside of me Virron knew it's my anxiety-ness causing all this moment get tense day by day. Wanted to rely on pills so badly for a moment. The thing is I can't even find where my mum actually put in my home :( Pills are not forever the way to cure it ! You could ever judge me doing that for good sake of sleep well and wake up on next morning like nothing happen on that struggling part. My body was trembling so strong like there's a earthquake in Malaysia. Yet the shakiness made me got even harder to sleep. I sweated not much but I feel like my heart is sweating inside a lot. Things never get easy whenever you trying